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In this bungalow Stormer lives, all by herself. Every now and then the Misfits are
hanging out there, or her brother Craig comes to see his sister, and even Kimber has
visited once.
Although it looks pretty small, it seems like a nice house in a nice area. Stormer
probably couldn't afford this until she had some success with the Misfits.
Clearly the same house as the above, they even managed to draw the same
neighborhouses in the background. Differences are the colors of the house and some
Neighborhood houses
On the other side of the street.
Front door
A nice view of the inside aswell.
Some things inside that are similar, even in the different pictures, is the shape and
location of the windows, carpet which has the same pattern but in two different
colors, the bookshelf and the table of glass.
The outside behind Pizzazz seems to be a room with a carpet, but that must be the
porch, since the room she enters looks like the livingroom. But where does she hang
her clothes and put her shoes?
By the books in the bookshelf it seems Stormer has some interest in reading.
Looks like there might be a fireplace to the right in this picture.
This is the same view of the room as the picture above to the right.
This kitchen looks exactly the same as one of the kitchens in Starlight Mansion, but
in this episode it doesn't make sense for Stormer and Kimber to be anywhere else
than in Stormer's house in this scene.
Stormer has a picture of her and Kimber next to her bed, from the time they worked
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