Here are the things that weren't available to purchase in stores, but had to be mailed in for, using a special
offer, often included with the dolls or other accessories.
Also a closer look at some the offers themselves, along with other printed accessories that came in the doll boxes. What was included varied from edition to edition, and even within the same edition, but usually there was a poster, a mail-in offer, instructions sheet (Jem/Jerrica dolls and playsets), and sticker sheets (playsets).
All the dolls, aswell as fashions and playsets, had Jemstar Points printed on the back of the boxes, which were to be cut out and mailed in along with a special offer for special items. This is the actual stuff you could get by sending them in, in the 80's.
These were to the best of my knowledge only included in the US releases, since the offers were only valid for US residents, and only in some of the doll boxes depending on when the offer was issued.
Came with the dolls, especially the Jem/Jerrica dolls, and playsets. You would get instructions how to assemble the playsets, change the batteries in the playsets and Jem dolls, style the dolls hair, dress them and pose them on the stand. Some of these were available in other languages like French.
Came with the playsets. Sometimes they had more than one set.
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